Thursday, April 26, 2012

Why & What is Bankology ?

What is Bankology?

Bankology is the study of various aspects of the Banks and their impact on human beings. The term, Bankology, is derived from two words- Bank and Logy. Bank is an English word. Logy is the Greek suffix that indicates the science or study of. Clearly, Bankology is the science or study of Banks. I derived this term for describing my blog in order to share the knowledge of banking with every individual. It is my little effort to make people aware of the banking activities and benefits of services and products provided by the banks.

Why Bankology?

As an individual and a banker I know the importance of banks in my life. Actually banks have become the blood of life. There is no one who does not utilize the banking services and their products. The bank has completely changed our way of life. Banks alternative delivery channels and technological products have given us the economic freedom and hassle free services at our comfort level. But, this is the one side of the coin. The other side of the coin tells us the cheerless story. Many customers are not aware of their rights and many additional advantages of banking services and products. The new generation as well as the old one does not know the various aspects of the banking. It is indeed a sorry state that a large mass of our society is unbanked. Such facts inspire me to do something for the people. I want to make every one aware of the services and products provided by the banks. I also want to make every one aware of their rights. I will try my level best to share my knowledge to all the people so that they can enjoy the banking as I do.

Bankology vs. B@nkoLOGy

I have already mentioned above what Bankology is. Here, I would like to explain to you about my writing style of my blog title Bankology as B@nkoLOGy. 
In writing of title of the blog I used both the small and capital letters with a special character. My intention is to point out two things by using such combination.
(1)   In capital letter, the combination of letters forms blog which is my medium of the expression.
(2)   The special character which is included in the word bank i.e. @ indicates rate or speed or dynamic nature of the present day Banks.

Letters of thanks:

You have gone through this page and become familiar with my pious intention. Your interest in reading this page is invisible source of my inspiration. I am very thankful to you. Keep reading and increasing your knowledge. I welcome you to my journey. 


"Come Out into the universe of Light. Everything in the Universe is yours, stretch out your arms and embrace it with love"
-          -Swami Vivekananda

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